Thursday 3 May 2012

Love, Love, Loving!!

This week there has definitely been a chill in the air! Winter is on its way *sigh*. I grew up in the Winterless North, and this will be my second winter in the Waikato. All I can say is that Northlanders have is pretty darn good in winter!! I woke up the other morning to a frost. Our cars were iced over and it was freeeeezing! My internal winter clock felt very confused because in Northland we only ever have frosts on the very coldest days in winter. and its not even winter yet. 
Anyways since this post is about what I'm loving, even though I dislike the cold, I do love how frosty mornings turn into the most beautiful cloudless days...

And I'm loving that I have a reason to wear pretty scarves and beanies!!


  1. Oh boy is it getting colder! *hint* Don't move to Christchurch after spending your life in the North Island! Massive difference in coldness!

  2. So cold here - so I can't imagine what it's like for you!! Love your winter gears too!

  3. Beanies and scarves and coats are about the only things I like about winter too!
