Happy Saturday Everyone! Its a stunner of an autumn day here in The Love. I'm enjoying just chilling out.
So heres this weeks thrift store outfit..
Dress: Op Shop
Cardi: Op Shop
Shoes: Warehouse.
Stockings: Warehouse.
I think I need a tripod or something haha. At the moment I put my camera on the fence to take photos. I'm scared the neighbours might think that I'm:
a) Crazy
b) Spying on them
c) A weird tourist

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these shoes. They are probably my most favourite, most worn pair of shoes that I have ever owned. They have a pretty cool little story behind them too. When I first saw them at the Warehouse (up in Whangarei, before I moved), they were on half price sale. I loved them and found a pair in my size. As I was walking towards the counter, I felt like God told me not to buy them. I thought that was kinda odd, since it was just a pair of shoes, but I put them back on the shelf. I went to the Warehouse about a week later and they were still there, so again I picked them up and went to pay for them, but while I was waiting in line I felt again not to buy them. I moved to the Waikato shortly after, to a town where there are pretty much no shops, so when one of my friends said he was going to another small town near by to go to the Warehouse, I jumped at the chance for some new scenery. I noticed they had a shoe clearance sale on, so I went to look, and I found the same pair of shoes that I had been wanting for $4.99!! I would also like to add that they were the last pair there, and they were in my size! I felt like God let me know that day that he cares about the small details of our lives, even a pair of shoes. I thought I was getting a good deal at half price, but he was like "Just you wait, they are gonna get even cheaper." So whenever I wear these shoes, I'm reminded how much God loves me.