Thursday, 19 January 2012

Old Literature

One day a wee while back, I was on facebook looking at someones wedding photos (you know how it is, a friend comments on one of their friend's photos and it comes up on your homepage, and all of a sudden you find yourself looking through the album of someone you don't know at all! stalker much haha). Anyways, in the photos of the reception I saw that they had used old books tied up with lace as decorations and I thought this was super cute, so decided to give it a go as a decoration for my own room. I hit the local op-shops looking for old books, and found these beauties. Four for two dollars. Bargain. Then I bought some lace from the craft store. It cost me four dollars for 2m (I needed all of it). When I got home I realized that the white lace looked too "new" for the old books, so i dunked it in a cup of tea to stain it a more antique looking colour. So pretty much you just tie the lace around the books like you would tie ribbon around a present. Sweet, a cheap and cute decoration. 

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